MediaWiki i18n explained: {{PLURAL}}

This post explains how MediaWiki handles plural rules to developers who need to work with it. In other words, how a string like “This wiki {{PLURAL:$1|0=does not have any pages|has one page|has $1 pages}}” becomes “This wiki has 425 pages”. Rules As mentioned before we have adopted a data-based approach. Our plural rules come from […]

Pet project: Optimizing message index to the last byte

The message index is a crucial component of Translate, so I made an experiment by implementing a trie store for the message index to optimize it. The short story is that I could not get it fast enough for practical use easily. Continue for full story. Pet projects For context, in our development team each […]

Performance tuning

One of the biggest advantage of desktop translation tools is that they don’t have delays rendering the interface – at least not in such a scale as websites have. In it is crucial that our pages load very fast. In certain places we can and do use intelligent preloading to remove the delays, in […]