In July I gave two presentations: one at Akademy 2012 in Tallinn, and one at Wikimania 2012.
Short summary of my Akademy presentation (slides): If you are translating content in MediaWiki and you are not using Translate extension, you are doing it wrong. Statistics, translation and proofreading interface – you get them all with Translate. Because Translate keeps track of changes to pages, you can spend your time translating instead of trying to figure what needs translating or updating.
Also, have a look at UserBase, it has now been updated to include the latest features and fixes of Translate extension, like the ability to group translatable pages into larger groups.
Short summary of my Wikimania presentation (slides; video not yet available): Stop wasting translators’ time.
Forget signing up to e-mail lists, forget sending files back and forth. Use translation platforms that move files from and to the version control system transparently to the translator.
If you have sentences split into multiple messages, you are doing it wrong. If your i18n framework doesn’t have support for plural, gender and grammar dependent translations, you are doing it wrong. If you are not documenting your interface messages for translators, you are doing it wrong.

Niklas maybe having fun at Library of Congress. Photo tychay, CC-BY-NC-ND