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GNU i18n for high priority projects list

Today,  for a special occasion, I’m hosting this guest post by Federico Leva, dealing with some frequent topics of my blog.

A special GNU committee has invited everyone to comment on the selection of high priority free software projects (thanks M.L. for spreading the word).

In my limited understanding from looking every now and then in the past few years, the list so far has focused on “flagship” projects which are perceived to the biggest opportunities, or roadblocks to remove, for the goal of having people only use free/libre/open source software.

A “positive” item is one which makes people want to embrace GNU/Linux and free software in order to user it: «I want to use Octave because it’s more efficient». A “negative” item is an obstacle to free software adoption, which we want removed: «I can’t use GNU/Linux because I need AutoCAD for work».

We want to propose something different: a cross-fuctional project, which will benefit no specific piece of software, but rather all of them. We believe that the key for success of each and all the free software projects is going to be internationalization and localization. No i18n can help if the product is bad: here we assume that the idea of the product is sound and that we are able to scale its development, but we “just” need more users, more work.

What we believe

If free software is about giving control to the user, we believe it must also be about giving control of the language to its speakers. Proper localisation of a software can only be done by people with a particular interest and competence in it, ideally language natives who use the software.

It’s clear that there is little overlap between this group and developers; if nothing else, because most free software projects have at most a handful developers: all together, they can only know a fraction of the world’s languages. Translation is not, and can’t be, a subset of programming. A GNOME dataset showed a strong specialisation of documenters, coders and i18n contributors.

We believe that the only way to put them in control is to translate the wiki way: easily, the only requirement being language competency; with no or very low barriers on access; using translations immediately in the software; correcting after the fact thanks to their usage, not with pre-publishing gatekeeping.

Translation should not be a labyrinth

In most projects, the i18n process is hard to join and incomprehensible, if explained at all. GNOME has a nice description of their workflow, which however is a perfect example of what the wiki way is not.

A logical consequence of the wiki way is that not all translators will know the software like their pockets. Hence, to translate correctly, translators need message documentation straight in their translation interface (context, possible values of parameters, grammatical role of words, …): we consider this a non-negotiable feature of any system chosen. Various research agrees.

Ok, but why care?

I18n is a recipe for success

First. Developers and experienced users are often affected by the software localisation paradox, which means they only use software in English and will never care about l10n even if they are in the best position to help it. At this point, they are doomed; but the computer users of the future, e.g. students, are not. New users may start using free software simply because of not knowing English and/or because it’s gratis and used by their school; then they will keep using it.

With words we don’t like much, we could say: if we conquer some currently marginal markets, e.g. people under a certain age or several countries, we can then have a sufficient critical mass to expand to the main market of a product.

Research is very lacking on this aspect: there was quite some research on predicting viability of FLOSS projects, but almost nothing on their i18n/l10n and even less on predicting their success compared to proprietary competitors, let alone on the two combined. However, an analysis of SourceForge data from 2009 showed that there is a strong correlation between high SourceForge rank and having translators (table 5): for successful software, translation is the “most important” work after coding and project management, together with documentation and testing.

Second. Even though translation must not be like programming, translation is a way to introduce more people in the contributor base of each piece of software. Eventually, if they become more involved, translators will get in touch with the developers and/or the code, and potentially contribute there as well. In addition to this practical advantage, there’s also a political one: having one or two orders of magnitude more contributors of free software, worldwide, gives our ideas and actions a much stronger base.

Practically speaking, every package should be i18n-ready from the beginning (the investment pays back immediately) and its “Tools”/”Help” menu, or similarly visible interface element, should include a link to a website where everyone can join its translation. If the user’s locale is not available, the software should actively encourage joining translation.

Arjona Reina et al. 2013, based on the observation of 41 free software projects and 22 translation tools, actually claim that recruiting, informing and rewarding the translators is the most important factor for success of l10n, or even the only really important one.

Exton, Wasala et al. also suggest to receive in situ translations in a “crowdsourcing” or “micro-crowdsourcing” limbo, which we find superseded by a wiki. In fact, they end up requiring a “reviewing mechanism such as observed in the Wikipedia community” anyway, in addition to a voting system. Better keep it simple and use a wiki in the first place.

Third. Extensive language support can be a clear demonstration of the power of free software. Unicode CLDR is an effort we share with companies like Microsoft or Apple, yet no proprietary software in the world can support 350 languages like MediaWiki. We should be able to say this of free software in general, and have the motives to use free software include i18n/l10n.

Research agrees that free software is more favourable for multilingualism because compared to proprietary software translation is more efficient, autonomous and web-based (Flórez & Alcina, 2011; citing Mas 2003, Bowker et al. 2008).

The obstacle here is linguistic colonialism, namely the self-disrespect billions of humans have for their own language. Language rights are often neglected and «some languages dominate» the web (UNO report A/HRC/22/49, §84); but many don’t even try to use their own language even where they could. The solution can’t be exclusively technical.

Fourth. Quality. Proprietary software we see in the wild has terrible translations (for example Google, Facebook, Twitter). They usually use very complex i18n systems or they give up on quality and use vote-based statistical approximation of quality; but the results are generally bad. A striking example is Android, which is “open source” but whose translation is closed as in all Google software, with terrible results.

How to reach quality? There can’t be an authoritative source for what’s the best translation of every single software string: the wiki way is the only way to reach the best quality; by gradual approximation, collaboratively. Free software can be more efficient and have a great advantage here.

Indeed, quality of available free software tools for translation is not a weakness compared to proprietary tools, according to the same Flórez & Alcina, 2011: «Although many agencies and clients require translators to use specific proprietary tools, free programmes make it possible to achieve similar results».

We are not there yet

Many have the tendency to think they have “solved” i18n. The internet is full of companies selling i18n/10n services as if they had found the panacea. The reality is, most software is not localised at all, or is localised in very few languages, or has terrible translations. Explaining the reasons is not the purpose of this post; we have discussed or will discuss the details elsewhere. Some perspectives:

A 2000 survey confirms that education about i18n is most needed: «There is a curious “localisation paradox”: while customising content for multiple linguistic and cultural market conditions is a valuable business strategy, localisation is not as widely practised as one would expect. One reason for this is lack of understanding of both the value and the procedures for localisation.»

Can we win this battle?

We believe it’s possible. What above can look too abstract, but it’s intentionally so. Figuring out the solution is not something we can do in this document, because making i18n our general strength is a difficult project: that’s why we argue it needs to be in the high priority projects list.

The initial phase will probably be one of research and understanding. As shown above, we have opinions everywhere, but too little scientific evidence on what really works: this must change. Where evidence is available, it should be known more than it currently is: a lot of education on i18n is needed. Sharing and producing knowledge also implies discussion, which helps the next step.

The second phase could come with a medium term concrete goal: for instance, it could be decided that within a couple years at least a certain percentage of GNU software projects should (also) offer a modern, web-based, computer-assisted translation tool with low barriers on access etc., compatible with the principles above. Requirements will be shaped by the first phase (including the need to accommodate existing workflows, of course).

This would probably require setting up a new translation platform (or giving new life to an existing one), because current “bigs” are either insufficiently maintained (Pootle and Launchpad) or proprietary. Hopefully, this platform would embed multiple perspectives and needs of projects way beyond GNU, and much more un-i18n’d free software would gravitate here as well.

A third (or fourth) phase would be about exploring the uncharted territory with which we share so little, like the formats, methods and CAT tools existing out there for translation of proprietary software and of things other than software. The whole translation world (millions of translators?) deserves free software. For this, a way broader alliance will be needed, probably with university courses and others, like the authors of Free/Open-Source Software for the Translation Classroom: A Catalogue of Available Tools and tuxtrans.

“What are you doing?”

Fair question. This proposal is not all talk. We are doing our best, with the tools we know. One of the challenges, as Wasala et al. say,  is having a shared translation memory to make free software translation more efficient: so, we are building one. InTense is our new showcase of free software l10n and uses existing translations to offer an open translation memory to everyone; we believe we can eventually include practically all free software in the world.

For now, we have added a few dozens GNU projects and others, with 55 thousands strings and about 400 thousands translations. See also the translation interface for some examples.

If is asked to do its part, we are certainly available. MediaWiki has the potential to scale incredibly, after all: see Wikipedia. In a future, a wiki like InTense could be switched from read-only to read/write and become a ü, translating thousands of projects.

But that’s not necessarily what we’re advocating for: what matter is the result, how much more well-localised software we get. In fact, MediaWiki gave birth to thousands of wikis; and its success is also in its principles being adopted by others, see e.g. the huge StackExchange family (whose Q&A are wikis and use a free license, though more individual-centred).

Maybe the solution will come with hundreds or thousands separate installs of one or a handful software platforms. Maybe the solution will not be to “translate the wiki way”, but a similar and different concept, which still puts the localisation in the hands of users, giving them real freedom.

What do you think? Tell us in the comments.

Midsummer cleanup: YAML and file formats, HHVM, translation memory

Wikimania 2014 is now over and that is a good excuse to write updates about the MediaWiki Translate extension and
I’ll start with an update related to our YAML format support, which has always been a bit shaky. Translate supports different libraries (we call them drivers) to parse and generate YAML files. Over time the Translate extension has supported four different drivers:

  • spyc uses spyc, a pure PHP library bundled with the Translate extension,
  • syck uses libsyck which is a C library (hard to find any details) which we call by shelling out to Perl,
  • syck-pecl uses libsyck via a PHP extension,
  • phpyaml uses the libyaml C library via a PHP extension.

The latest change is that I dropped syck-pecl because it does not seem to compile with PHP 5.5 anymore; and I added phpyaml. We tried to use sypc a bit but the output it produced for localisation files was not compatible with Ruby projects: after complaints, I had to find an alternative solution.

Joel Sahleen let me know of phpyaml, which I somehow did not found before: thanks to him we now use the same libyaml library that Ruby projects use, so we should be fully compatible. It is also the fastest driver of the four. Anyone generating YAML files with Translate is highly recommended to use the phpyaml driver. I have not checked how phpyaml works with HHVM but I was told that HHVM ships with a built-in yaml extension.

Speaking of HHVM, the long standing bug which causes HHVM to stop processing requests is still unsolved, but I was able to contribute some information upstream. In further testing we also discovered that emails sent via the MediaWiki JobQueue were not delivered, so there is some issue in command line mode. I have not yet had time to investigate this, so HHVM is currently disabled for web requests and command line.

I have a couple of refactoring projects for Translate going on. The first is about simplifying the StringMangler interface. This has no user visible changes, but the end goal is to make the code more testable and reduce coupling. For example the file format handler classes only need to know their own keys, not how those are converted to MediaWiki titles. The other refactoring I have just started is to split the current MessageCollection. Currently it manages a set of messages, handles message data loading and filters the collection. This might also bring performance improvements: we can be more intelligent and only load data we need.

Théo Mancheron competes in the men's decathlon pole vault final

Aiming high: creating a translation memory that works for Wikipedia; even though a long way from here (photo Marie-Lan Nguyen, CC BY 3.0)

Finally, at Wikimania I had a chance to talk about the future of our translation memory with Nik Everett and David Chan. In the short term, Nik is working on implementing in ElasticSearch an algorithm to sort all search results by edit distance. This should bring translation memory performance on par with the old Solr implementation. After that is done, we can finally retire Solr at Wikimedia Foundation, which is much wanted especially as there are signs that Solr is having problems.

Together with David, I laid out some plans on how to go beyond simply comparing entire paragraphs by edit distance. One of his suggestions is to try doing edit distance over words instead of characters. When dealing with the 300 or so languages of Wikimedia, what is a word is less obvious than what is a character (even that is quite complicated), but I am planning to do some research in this area keeping the needs of the content translation extension in mind.

Summary of Translate workshop at Zürich hackathon

Hostel hall with hackers

The hall always provided power and wifi for eager hackers (photo CC-BY-SA by Ludovic Péron)

I held a Translate workshop at the Zürich hackathon. Naturally, others and I worked on Translate and outside of the workshop as well. Here is a summary of the outcomes.

The workshop itself consisted of three topics of interest. I gave an introduction about the Content translation project, going over the basic design and features, followed by a Q&A. We then split into three small groups. One group continued talking about translating content in wider scope. The second group went over how to add new projects to, using Huggle and Sharelatex as a concrete example. The third group consisted of me helping with programming questions about the Translate extension.

During the whole hackathon people worked on about 20 bugs and patches. I started a patch for glossary support in the Translate extension: a proof of concept, as simple as possible.

Review of Gettext po(t) file format

Gettext shows its age both in developer and translator friendliness. What’s wrong with the old known localisation file formats which Google and Mozilla among others are so keen to replace? I don’t have a full answer to that. Gettext is clearly quite inflexible compared to Mozilla’s file format (which is almost a programming language) and it does not support many of the new features in Google’s resource bundles.

My general recommendation is: use the file format best supported by your i18n framework. If you can choose, prefer key based formats. Only try new file formats if you need the new features, because tool support for them is not as good. There is also no clarity which of the new file formats will “win” the fight and become popular.

When making something new, it is good to look back. The motivation why I wrote this post initially was my annoyances writing a tool which supports this format, but the context I’m going to give is completely different. It has been waiting as draft to be published for a long time because it lacked context where it makes sense. Maybe this also helps people, who are wondering what localisation file format they should use.

Enough of the general thoughts. But let’s start this evaluation with the good things:
Can support plural for many languages. The plural syntax is flexible enough to cover at least most if not all of world’s languages.
Fuzzy translations. It has a standard way to mark outdated translations, which is a necessity for this format which does not identify strings.
Tool support. Gettext can be used in many programming languages and there are plenty of tools for translators.

And then the things I don’t like:
Strings have no identifiers. This is my biggest annoyance with Gettext. Strings are identified by their contents, which means that fixing a typo in the source invalidates all translations. It also makes it impossible to keep any track of history. This causes another problem: Identical strings are collapsed by default. This is especially annoying since in English words like Open (action) and Open (state) are the same but in other languages they are different. This effectively prevents proper translations, unless a message context is provided, but here lies another problem: Not all implementations support passing context. Last time I checked this was the case at least in Python.
And one nasty corner case for tool makers is that empty context is different from no context. If you don’t handle this right you will be producing invalid Gettext files.
I listed plural support above as a plus, but it is not without its problems. One string can only have plural forms depending on one variable. This forces the developers to use lego sentences when there is more than one number, or force the translators to make ungrammatical translations. Not to mention that, in Arabic and other languages where there can be five or even more forms, you need to repeat the whole string as many times with small changes. Lots of overhead updating and proofreading that, as opposed to an inline syntax where you only mark the differences. To be fair, with an inline syntax it might hard to see how each plural form looks in full, but there are solutions to that.
There is no standard way to present authorship information except for last translator. The file header is essentially free form text, making it hard to process and update that information programmatically. To be fair, this is the case for almost all i18n file formats I’ve seen.
The comments for individual strings are funky. There are different kinds of comments that start with “#,” “#|”, not documented anywhere as far as I know, and the order of different kinds of comments matters! Do it wrong and you’ll have a file that some tools refuse to use. Not to mention that developers can also leave comments for the translators, in addition to the context parameter (so there are two ways!): the translators might or might not see them depending on the tool they use and on what is propagated from the pot file to the po file. It is quite a hassle to keep these comments in sync and repeated in all the translation files.

I’m curious to hear whether you would like to see more of these evaluations and perhaps a comparison of the formats. If there isn’t much interest I likely won’t do more.

Insertables in Translate make translating easier

Insertables are a new tool to easily copy some text from the source language to your translation with one click.

Have you ever translated anything with the Translate extension? Did it contain markup like this?

[http://very.long.url/here link description]
{{GENDER:$1|he|she}} posted $2 on $3

If so, then you know what this is about. Have you ever translated anything with the Translate extension while using a tablet or another device without a physical keyboard? If so, then you likely know why this interesting.

When you translate text written in wiki markup, or software interface strings, you will encounter the examples above, and many more parts which you need to copy verbatim while translating. These parts contain special characters like braces, dollar signs, brackets, pipes and so on. These characters are cumbersome to type on non-English keyboards, where they have been moved to more difficult to reach key combinations in favour of local characters – if they exist in the layout at all. If they don’t exist in the keyboard layout, you need to switch keyboard layouts just to type few characters and then switch it back.

Does this sound cumbersome? Many translators in fact do not do that, but instead they copy and paste the text from the source text. On tablets however, copy and paste itself is a cumbersome thing. Insertables are a solution to this usability issue.

We can automatically identify a part of the translatable text which has the following properties: it should not be changed and it is difficult to type. We can then present these parts of strings as buttons near the translation. Clicking or pressing that button inserts the text into the translation. These buttons complement the insert source text button and are optional to use, like all translation helpers we provide.

Happy translator using the new feature

Happy translator using the new feature

As of now, we only detect a few types of these insertables: plural, grammar magic words, and variables in MediaWiki style ($1). Read more on Translate documentation for how to contribute more insertables.

FOSDEM talk reflections 3/3: HipHop, communities, public procurement

Nikerabbit arrives at the MediaWiki meetup at FOSDEM

Meetup of MediaWiki community. Or Wikimedia tech? How to call the Wikimedia software development ecosystem? (Photo by henna, copyright status unknown.)

This is the third post about FOSDEM 2013; see 1/3: I18n in the WEB, Mozilla i18n and L20n for the first and 2/3: docs, code and community health, stability for the second. Links to the abstracts in the headers.

Scaling PHP with HipHop

HipHop is still alive, and faster than ever. It has evolved from PHP to C translator to a JIT bytecode interpreter system, just like PHP itself is, without JIT of course. The speedups they are seeing are impressive (it was deployed on Facebook about a month ago). Given that they have removed the compile everything before deploy step, it is now much more feasible to use.

I’m considering to give HipHop a try on later this year, probably after we have upgraded to at least Ubuntu 12.04, where Facebook provides packages for it. It is still a pain in the ass to set up manually, as it was few years ago. Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) has dropped its evaluation, but perhaps they will reconsider after our experiences, and HipHop, or hhvm as it is called now, has indeed changed a lot since then.

It was highlighted that the supported language features and libraries of hhvm and PHP vary to an extent. hhvm provides some nice features like strict type hinting, but it is unlikely I can use those anytime soon, since there is no way to take advantage of these on hhvm without breaking support for normal PHP, which is something that really cannot be done in the MediaWiki ecosystem.

Community/BOF meetup

Almost 20 people were around, a few outside of WMF. Discussions circled around events like the Amsterdam Hackathon and MediaWiki groups. The most interesting part (to me) is how to call the Wikimedia software development ecosystem, so it can be marketed properly. Suggestions ranged from extending the meaning of MediaWiki to cover everything including mobile, gadgets and so on; using Wikipedia as it is the brand most well known; or creating a new Wikitech brand.

There are pros and cons to each of the above, but one thing is true: There is no name that can currently be used to refer to everything technical done around MediaWiki and Wikimedia that would also be understood by potential participants. Also, MediaWiki development is not perceived to be cool anymore, because it’s PHP. But it isn’t. MediaWiki development is also Redis, Varnish, puppet, git, Solr, HipHop, semantic, node.js, mobile, OpenStack, and more. Quim Gil will continue work on coming up with a brand. Curious visitors can also compare this to what KDE did recently when they expanded the meaning of KDE to be not only the desktop, but also the community and everything they do. The change process wasn’t painless for them, and wouldn’t be for us, but at the same time (IMHO) the change has been quite successful and beneficial to KDE.

Qt Project Update

Qt booth at FOSDEM

Qt: a maintainer for each subsystem helps getting your patch reviewed, unlike MediaWiki

Qt is doing well. Qt5 is evolution instead of revolution (what Qt4 was to Qt3). The contributors outside of Nokia (and nowadays Digia) have risen to about one third of all commits. They are using Gerrit like MediaWiki. But unlike MediaWiki they have explicit hierarchy, with maintainers who are responsible for keeping each subsystem in shape. It also means that there is always at least one person you can talk to, to get your patch reviewed, unlike in the MediaWiki community.

Their platform support is also nice: Linux, Windows and OSX are fully supported, while iOS, Android and BlackBerry OS are also working more or less.

Fixing public procurement

Forgive me if I use incorrect terms. In a nutshell there is a law in Finland (coming from the EU) that disallows governmental organizations to request software systems by referring to an exact producer. So for example a hypothetical example “We want Microsoft Office on all our work stations in X department” is illegal, while “We want an office tools suite that includes documents, presentations, …” is legal. Free software people in Finland did an analysis of how many times this law has been violated… quite many… and have been sending letters that ask them to read the rules and fix their procurement.

The talk continued with the observation that there is no entity to enforce this rule, and that it is difficult to get the companies put into disadvantage to sue. One side argued that fixing this particular issue harms doing wide scale education of people on this and other issues. Or when is it useful to sue instead of trying to educate? When are the lost opportunities bigger a harm than bad publicity and money spent on suing? Apparently Microsoft has sued successfully in Finland to gain lots of money without a big PR hit. Open source solutions are usually discarded because the exit costs of the previous system are placed on the new solution instead of the old vendor lock-in solution.

All in all, the target of this kind of work is to further open source use in governments by allowing free competition; they want to do it EU-wide.

The Keeper of Secrets: The Dance of Community Leadership

FOSDEM party crowd

FOSDEM preparty was definitely not a quiet beerless one

This is the first time I’ve seen Leslie Hawthorn speaking. In her talk, which was full of beer jokes (a bit too many to my taste), I caught some points:

  • Don’t be a jerk.
  • Stop gossiping and talk directly to people you have problems with.
  • Don’t ignore difficult people, be brave enough to let them know your honest opinion.
  • Don’t be a jerk while talking about difficult things with people, do it politely and cooperatively.
  • Face to face meetings are essential to community building (my addition: also include possibilities do it in beerless, quiet places).

MediaWiki Language Extension Bundle launches!

The Wikimedia Language Engineering team is pleased to announce the first release of the MediaWiki Language Extension Bundle. The bundle is a collection of a few selected MediaWiki extensions needed by any wiki which desires to be multilingual.
This first bundle release (2012.11) is compatible with MediaWiki 1.19, 1.20 and 1.21alpha.
The Universal Language Selector is a must have, because it provides an essential functionality for any user regardless on the number of languages he/she speaks: language selection, font support for displaying scripts badly supported by operating systems and input methods for typing languages that don’t use Latin (a-z) alphabet.
Maintaining multilingual content in a wiki is a mess without the Translate extension, which is used by Wikimedia, KDE and, where hundreds of pieces of documentation and interface translations are updated every day; with Localisation Update your users will always have the latest translations freshly out of the oven. The Clean Changes extension keeps your recent changes page uncluttered from translation activity and other distractions.
Don’t miss the chance to practice your rusty language skills and use the Babel extension to mark the languages you speak and to find other speakers of the same language in your wiki. And finally the cldr extension is a database of language and country translations.
We are aiming to make a new release every month, so that you can easily stay on the cutting edge with the constantly improving language support. The bundle comes with clear installation and upgrade instructions. It is tested against MediaWiki release versions, so you can avoid most of the temporary breaks that would happen if you were using the latest development versions instead.
Because this is our first release, there can be some rough edges. Please provide us a lot of feedback so that we can improve for the next release.

Performance tuning

One of the biggest advantage of desktop translation tools is that they don’t have delays rendering the interface – at least not in such a scale as websites have. In it is crucial that our pages load very fast. In certain places we can and do use intelligent preloading to remove the delays, in other places we have to employ complex caching algorithms to reach that target. I am regularly monitoring the automatically collected profiling information to avoid regressions and to pick low-hanging fruit from time to time.

In the last sprint my main task was to convert the way we handle the translation of MediaWiki extensions in to use the same processes and interfaces as pretty much everything else. MediaWiki and MediaWiki extensions were the first things supported in and now they are among the last things to get modernized to take advantage of better interfaces built on the years of experience supporting various kinds of products.

The only user visible change is improved performance. The new interfaces are more efficient and enable more optimizations, which allows us to deliver faster page views and scale to more messages. It will also simplify the work of staff, as they don’t need to follow two different processes, especially after we update also MediaWiki translation code.

Perfection is achieved, not when there is nothing more to add, but when there is nothing left to take away.

As a developer I’m proud that the new code is unit tested. The culmination, however, was a change which removed hundreds of lines of old code: in fact, the above quote applies to software development too.

For those interested in details, the biggest performance boosts were achieved by avoiding the need to parse the translation files in many places – the list of message keys and their values are stored in intermediate cache files in CDB format. In addition there were many smaller performance optimizations, like not using some MediaWiki method to construct a link element, which consumed 20 kilobytes of memory for each link. When there are thousands of links, it adds up and is excessive for just making some hundred bytes of output. I switched it to a more low level method (memory usage: from 175 to 12 MB).

Some low-hanging fruit might not be as easy to pick as it seems at first. (Photo CC-BY-SA by Asit K. Ghosh.)

At the time of writing I still have some more fixes pending further testing and cleanup. For example, to access any message group, those all have to be loaded. They are cached as serialized PHP objects, but loading them takes 20 milliseconds and 10 megabytes of memory. I’m working on making it possible to load cached message groups individually.

Finnish translation sprint 2012-06 KDE – results

English summary: Using the MediaWiki Translate extension, the KDE SC 4.9 release was collaboratively translated into Finnish during the midsummer. The goals of the translation sprint were to produce 10,000 new proofread translations and to unify the translations of many common terms. The goals were mostly met. Due to problems of counting the number of new translations, we had to change the measure to include also updated translations. We made 10,643 new or updated translations and over 8,250 translations were proofread. I believe the combined effort makes a visible difference, though in absolute terms there is more work to do for tens of more sprints.

Kesä-heinäkuussa järjestettiin KDE:n käännöstapahtuma, jossa käännetiin kaikkea KDE:sta, mutta erityisesti KDE SC 4.9 -julkaisua, josta saimme kaikki tärkeimmät osat tehtyä. Muitakin KDE-ohjelmia suomennettiin ja suomennoksia parannettiin. Erityisesti KDE:n verkkosivujen suomentamisessa päästiin eteenpäin. Aiemmin oli suomennettu vain osa KDE:n sivustojen yhteisistä viesteistä, mutta nyt koko Join the Game on suomeksi sekä muidenkin sivujen suomentamista on aloitettu.

Toinen tärkeä saavutus oli käännösten laadun parantaminen oikolukemalla tärkeimpien ja näkyvimpien KDE-ohjelmien viestejä sekä yhtenäistämällä käytettyjä termejä ja käymällä läpi yleisiä kehnouksia. Jotkut myös innostuivat korjailemaan heitä jo pidempään vaivanneita asioita, joita ei vain ollut aiemmin tullut tehtyä. IRC-kanavakin aktivoitui ja keskustelua käännöksistä syntyi.

Jäimme kuitenkin alkuperäisestä 10 000 uuden käännöksen tavoitteestamme: täysin uusia oli 6 315. Tämä luku ei pidä täysin paikkaansa, sillä siinä ei ole mukana sumeita viestejä. Sumeat viestit sisältävät esitäytetyn käännöksen, joka saattaa joko vaatia pientä viilausta tai on ihan väärin. Parempi luku saadaan, jos mukaan lasketaan parannetut suomennokset, jolloin tulokseksi saadaan 10 643 uutta tai parannettua käännöstä. Oikolukeminen ei ollut aivan yhtä suosittua, mutta silti yli 8 250 käännöstä oikoluettiin.

Monet kokonaisuudet jäivät myös kesken, joskus pientä vaille. Termien yhtenäistäminenkin jäi kesken, vaikka se olikin vain toissijainen tavoite ja tiedetysti turhan iso pala. Siitä huolimatta useita termejä saatiin yhtenäistettyä – työurakka on vain erittäin suuri ja liian suuri tehtäväksi kerralla.

Käännösten oikolukeminen Translatella todella toimi. Varsinkin verrattuna nykyiseen tapaan, jossa kääntäjät lähettelevät sähköpostilla kokonaisia Gettext po-tiedostoja eikä edes laadunvalvontaan tarkoitettu postituslista ole käytössä. Työkalun perustoiminnallisuus oli kunnossa: mikään ei juuri häirinnyt kääntämistä. Pientä hitautta tosin ole havaittavissa; syynä siihen lähinnä käännösmuistiominaisuus.

7–8 uutta ihmistä saatiin mukaan, joista muutama teki kymmeniä käännöksiä ja loput selvästi enemmän. Kaikki vastaan tulleet tekniset ongelmat tilastosivun skaalautumisongelmista käännösten po-tiedostoihin viennin pieniin korjauksiin saatiin ratkottua hyvin.

Edelleen pohdituttaa, miten saisi enemmän ihmisiä mukaan. Myös työkalun tuonnin ja viennin suhdetta SVN:ssä tehtyihin muutoksiin täytynee miettiä ennen kuin työkalua voisi ottaa käyttöön nykyisen po-tiedostojen sähköpostilla lähettelyn rinnalle. Automaattisesti vientiä ei kuitenkaan voi tehdä, koska KDE:n SVN-tilin käyttösäännöt estävät sen.

Tulevaisuudessa mietimme työkalun vakituisempaakin käyttöä. Suurin ongelma on herättää uudelleen henkiin ja yhdistää siellä olevat termit käännösalustaan.


Haluan kiittää kaikille osallistujia käännöstyöstä ja palautteesta alustan toimivuuden suhteen. Erikseen kiitokset Lasse Liehulle tämän yhteenvedon raakaversion koostamisesta.

Efficient translation: Translation memory enabled on all Wikimedia wikis

I am pleased to announce that a long development project has been released and taken into production. We now have translation memory services enabled on Wikimedia projects (since August 28, in our last sprint).

The translation editor on Wikimania 2013 wiki shows a suggestion from Wikimania 2012 wiki

Users translating for Wikimania 2013 are provided with suggestions from 2012 (right arrow); a click is enough to copy it to the text area (down arrow). See also on Meta, in English interface.

Translation memory is a feature which provides likely translations for a text based on previous translations of similar texts: translators use them to speed up their work and to increase consistency (more in Wikipedia).

If you have translated at or, you may have already noticed it. The translation memory on Wikimedia wikis has been filled with existing translations made with the Translate extension in WMF projects including Meta, and Wikimania wikis.

Translators from all Wikimedia projects using the Translate extension can now work more efficiently, sharing their work and experience across the boundaries of wikis. Translators on Wikimania 2013 wiki can now find translations already provided for the previous year (see screenshot) and be quicker without sacrificing quality and consistency. Translators of technical documentation on can benefit from the translation of Wikimedia terminology on Meta-Wiki and vice versa.

Technical challenges

A translation memory service has been in use at for years, and the process of getting it enabled on Wikimedia was started about a year ago.

Naturally WMF operations is a very different thing from the small shared server runs on. Yet, there were many unexpected turns that caused delay. The phases here are named retroactively.


Originally we used the tmserver component from the translate toolkit. It had its own problems: it was hard to set up, it was an external dependency and the SQLite database engine it used was problematic for updates – it failed if there were multiple processes accessing at the same time. Sometimes the included standalone webserver got stuck and the other option, WSGI, didn’t play nicely with our lighttpd web server.

I did lots of research with Siebrand trying to find other open source translation memories, but failed to find anything that had any active or recent development.


The next step was the standalone version. To avoid external dependencies, to make it usable in the WMF infrastructure, and not to require separate services, I started porting the tmserver algorithm from Python to PHP. At the same time I was able to take advantage of MediaWiki’s database abstraction code, which in theory should make it work on SQLite, MySQL and PostgreSQL. At the moment, however, only MySQL is tested and in use at

Performance of this new system was mostly the same, though it’s a constant fight for not letting the Levenshtein algorithm, used for ranking in the core, get exponentially slow. The major new feature was the support for shared databases, so that multiple wikis can use the translations made in other wikis for suggestions. A lot of time was spent on this, and also on making the initial bootstrap efficient with use of multiple threads.


When we thought everything was ready for deployment on Wikimedia wikis, we waited for feedback from ops and finally we got a simple, yet unwanted reply: “Full-text search with MySQL cannot be used in the WMF cluster (because it depends on the problematic MyISAM storage engine)”. Yay. Back to the drawing board.
Since everything at Wikimedia is using a heavily modified Apache Lucene for full text search, the same was obviously suggested as a solution. So started the development of phase3; if the past predicts anything, this will have been the final rewrite.

I decided not to touch Wikimedia’s version of Lucene, as I already had lots of experience on it due to playing with it for my Master’s thesis (English summary on my blog), and decided to use standard Lucene with a Solr frontend. Solr simplified many things and the development was swift using the PHP Solarium library.

In fact, the most difficult “feature” to develop was the Puppet configuration for Jetty and Solr, and testing it on WMF Labs. So I learned to write Puppet configuration files from scratch and did it mostly myself. Oren Bochman helped a lot with the Labs testing phase. The last hurdle was backporting recent packages of Solr and its dependency Jetty for the Ubuntu that Wikimedia was using on Labs and in production. Luckily I was fortunate enough to get quick help from ops, so I didn’t have to also learn how to make Ubuntu packages.

So somewhat ironically, we went from separate services to standalone and again to a separate service. The first phase is long forgotten, but the standalone and Solr versions complement each other. The former is enabled by default for anyone using the Translate extension, the latter provides superior scalability and hopefully in the future even better suggestions.

Fact is that the Levenshtein based ranking is not the state of the art for translation memories[1] and does not compare to the state of art i18n we are doing with MediaWiki and

On to the next adventure!

[1] Paper abstract (full text behind paywall; DOI:10.1007/3-540-39965-8_14).

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